
  • Lovely Article from the Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce

    Lovely Article from the Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce

  • The Story of Eli!

    The Story of Eli!

     Meet Eli! This little mascot was inspired by Tantrum’s cheerful, circusy sign that welcomes all to play. Eli also embodies the friendly and fun-loving spirit of the shop, packed with toys and treasures.  Stop by and say "hi"! (Created...

  • Here is a picture of a vintage toy bear struming on a xylophone

    TANTRUM's Stop Motion video

    This is an ode to times gone by when TANTRUM in Cole Valley was just getting started and we had a tiny store full of highly curated new and vintage items.

    "TANTRUM tries it's hand at stop motion. With the very talented direction of Paul Trillo, we were able to bring our store to life in one night. One very long night :) Enjoy!"

     come visit us in the inner richmond!

    tantrum toy store in san franciso california 

    248 clement street



  • who we are

    Tantrum’s rare combination of sophisticated style and timeless playfulness makes this toy store as much fun for grownups as for their children. Imagine the color and magic of a 1950s carnival in summer. “Like a big top of yore, the bright...